Michael Benis

Client: Nexus, Bologna

Nexus is an English-language communications company based in Bologna, Italy, that offers complete support to a wide range of clients across Italy, including advertising and PR agencies. The services provided and integrated as required range from brand engineering and communications audits to advertising concepts and copy, creative direction, project management, agency pitch support and training courses. 

As Creative Director of Nexus from 2004 to early 2013, I worked with the company’s founder and Managing Director, Jack Fenwick, to provide this support through a team spanning Italy, the United Kingdom and other English-speaking countries across the world. And of course I directed the work on the company name, strapline, website and other communications. 

I continue to work with Nexus as an external consultant today, while also providing support for other leading advertising and PR companies in Italy.

You can explore some of my work for Nexus on this site, including projects for Creo and Zambon Group. A variety of work is of course also showcased on the Nexus website itself, including projects for market-leaders such as Alstom and GSK. All this work was naturally in English, although there have been exceptions, including the Creo campaigns shown here .

Brand and Communications Consultant

Branding • Creative Concepts & Strategy • Copywriting 

• Creative Direction • Speechwriting

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